My First Fifty Years by John R Bennett AcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I give praise to my Mom for her patience and her caring. To my wife and children for their support. To Heather and Joshua, my grandchildren, who consistently raise my ego. Thanks to Marcia Swiss, a coworker at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) for proofreading my manuscript, John Woodworth, MD and Rev. James Bennett for their editing and many invaluable suggestions. Thanks to Dotty Stevens, my Diabetes Educator, Paul Kessler, a retired (I'm envious) coworker at BNL and Sue Sevian, a current coworker at BNL for their testimonials. All three are extra special personal friends, as well. Thanks to the following companies who have given me permission to reprint numerous photos.
I especially want to thank Paul Madden, Special Assistant to the President, Joslin Diabetes Center, for his praise of this book and for the years of our friendship. |